
Showing posts from January, 2012

Leaders As Composers

[ I have begun my doctorate work. Over the next three years, I will be investigating the topic of leadership as it pertains to church ministry. My hope is to post thoughts about Christian leadership along the way as God sharpens not only my thinking but also my practice. Here is installation #1 in what hopefully will be many blogs ] It’s an autumn Saturday afternoon. In hundreds of football stadiums throughout the country, hundreds of thousands of fans have gathered to cheer for their teams. But despite all the different school colors, there is one thing that is common to all the fans in all the stadiums; they will stand as one and sing the national anthem.             What is it about the national anthem that garners such a response? Technically speaking, an anthem is no different than any other song. It is a musical composition in which a composer arranges individual notes to form a melody. But despit...