Ownership Attitude
It's Monday morning and you need to get to work. Here are your options : 1) bum a ride, 2) borrow a car, 3) rent a car, 3) lease a car, or 4) buy a car. With each of those options, you will have varying degrees of care and concern about the car. If you're bumming a ride, you don't care much about the car. You just hope it gets you to your job safely and on time. If you're borrowing, you care a little more about the car but only because you don't want to have to pay for any damages caused while you're using it. In that case, your concern is not about the car but yourself. If you rent a car, you care very little about the car because the rental insurance will cover damages. There's a little bit of personal skin in the game because you're paying for the rental and insurance but you don't personally care about the car itself. You know that your relationship with that car is going to be very short in duration. If you lease, you care about the car a li...