The Butter Test
My 22 month old daughter is a total carbo-loader. And her carb of choice is bread, particularly toasted bagel. Edie loves her some bread (pardon my southernism). It's astonishingly amazing how much she craves bread. I guess she needs the carbs to fuel her daily naps, her diva tantrums, and her very demanding potty training regimen. But something drastically changed recently. Plain toasted bagel is suddenly not adequate. The problem is that Edie has discovered the joy of butter. (I suspect this was the doing of a grandparent, though I've been unable to prove it. That's a topic for a different post - " How to confront your baby's daddy's daddy "). So now, not only does Edie demand bread but she demands bread with butter (pronounced "bowda"). Given her new found obsession with butter, an ample amount of that savory, fatty goodness must be liberally spread onto her toasted bagel. But here's where it gets tricky. The bagel must pass the butter t...