Splitting Wood (Part 1)

Most of us in the U.S. don't have to go out and split wood. During the winter months, our homes are maintained at a comfortable 74 degrees fahrenheit by either a gas or electric heater. Many homes still have wood burning fireplaces but they are more of a novelty. They are more part of the homes decor rather than a functional heater. At best, wood burning fireplaces are simply nice to have if ever the mood strikes the homeowner. 

What is interesting is that most of us genuinely enjoy a good wood burning fire. There's something about the smell of a wood fire, the sound of the cracking and popping, the sight of the flickering flames. But more than that, there's something especially warming about a wood fire. It not only warms our skin but somehow the warmth reaches down into us.

Yet, we are quick to forgo the soothing pleasantries of a fireplace. We are quick to exchange the smells, sounds, sights, and warmth of a fire for the convenience of a heat pump. We are quick to settle for that which is inferior simply because it is convenient. Walking over and adjusting the thermostat is easy. Splitting wood is difficult. 

Consider what it takes to heat a home with a fireplace. You have to go out, cut down a tree and cut it into manageable logs. Then, you have to split the wood and pile it. Then, not only must you start the fire, but you must keep it going. Then, you have to clean out the ashes. And if you want to keep a warm home throughout the winter months, that process must be repeated over and over again. That's hard work.

Christians are to radiate a tangible warmth in their lives. This warmth is the smell of a sinner who's received God's love. This warmth is the sound of a sinner who's experienced God's love. This warmth is the sight of a sinner who's been filled with God's love. Sadly, however, too many Christians are devoid of this warmth. They are warm on the surface but lacking in the warmth of God's love that reaches down into them and then reaches out of them.

The reason so many struggle to heat-up their spiritual lives is because they avoid the hard work. They are looking for the "easy button" on their love thermostat. But unlike our modern homes, such a convenience doesn't exist. There are no "10 Quick Steps To Building A Spiritual Fire." There are no shortcuts. On the contrary, radiating the warmth of Christian love requires splitting wood.

The Apostle Paul wrote: Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma (Ephesians 5:1-2).

There are two very important thoughts we need to strongly consider from these verses. First of all, as a believer you have all you need to radiate Christian warmth. Christ loves you! He gave Himself as a sacrifice on your behalf. You have received, experienced, and been filled with Christ's love. By grace you are now an eternally beloved child of THE God of love.

Secondly, as a believer you have to split the wood of Christian love. You have to imitate God. You have to walk in love. You have to display humble sacrifice. What that means is that you have to make every effort to expose and reveal the love of Christ - a love which has already been given to you by God. You have to be intentional about smelling, sounding, and looking like God's love. Ephesians 5:1-2 teaches us that there's no "easy button" on your Christian thermostat. There's no easy or convenient way to increase your spiritual temperature. You have to split the wood necessary to kindle the fire.

This world is a cold place in desperate need of the warmth of God's love. This world needs to smell the sweet aroma of God's love. This world needs to hear the cracking and popping of God's love as it changes sinners into saints. This world needs to see the blaze of God's fire pushing back the darkness.

Don't look for easy, convenient shortcuts. Do the hard work. Split the wood necessary to radiate God's love in this world.

In awe of Jesus,
Pastor Rick


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