Edie's House
Edie recently celebrated her 2nd birthday, and her big gift was a playhouse. The look on her face was priceless when she saw her gift. With childlike exuberance, she took off toward the playhouse. But then something unexpected happened..she stopped, turned around, and came running back...
As she ran back she started yelling, "Lita," short for "abuelita," which is Spanish for "grandmother." Filled with excitement she not only yelled for Lita but she ran toward Lita, grabbed her by the hand and led her to her playhouse.
Edie was so overjoyed with her gift that she had to share it. She wanted for others to enjoy it along with her. It was as if it didn't occur to her to keep the gift to herself.
If you're a Christian, then you have received the greatest gift imaginable. It's the gift of eternal and abundant life. It's a gift freely and generously given by God for simply believing in His Son. It's an amazing gift received through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. And the result of receiving this gift is that you have been forgiven of all of our sin, all of your guilt and shame has been removed, and now you are an our adopted son or daughter of God.
But God's gift gets even better! In John 14:2-3 Jesus said: "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am." As you read this, Jesus is in heaven preparing a house for your eternal dwelling.
I wonder what it would be like if all of us, who call ourselves Christians, displayed childlike exuberance toward the great gift we've received. What if we were like Edie? What if we were so excited about our gift that we couldn't help but share it with others? What if we were so overwhelmed by God's generosity that we started calling out people's names and running toward them to grab them by the hand so that they too may receive God's generous gift?
Many Christians struggle with sharing their gift of salvation with others. Many of us struggle to share God's gospel of generosity. Here are a few of the reasons why:
- KNOWLEDGE: Some don't share the gospel because they claim insufficient biblical knowledge. If that's you, then consider the fact that if you know enough to be saved then you know enough to share so that others may be saved.
- FEAR: Some don't share the gospel because they fear earthly consequences. If this is you, then consider the fact that those earthly consequences pale in comparison to the glorious riches you have received in Christ and that those riches can never be taken from you regardless of the earthly consequences.
- VANITY: Some don't share the gospel because they are more concerned with others' opinions than with others' eternal destiny. It's as if they say, "To hell with everyone so long as I don't look dumb." If that's you, then consider that you're not here to be a people pleaser but rather to be a God pleaser.
- INGRATITUDE: Some don't share the gospel because they aren't truly grateful for what God has given them. If that's you, then take the time to honestly consider all that you have been eternally spared from (wrath, judgement, banishment, cursing) and also all that you have been saved for (joy, glory, peace, blessing).
- LOVE: Some don't share the gospel because they lack genuine love for others. If that's you, then consider all who went out of their way in your life to show you love so that you may receive and enjoy God's gift.
We have received the best gift, and we need to share it with others. If you struggle to share the gospel pray for God's help: for a grateful and loving heart, for zeal and passion, for boldness and confidence, AND for opportunities. Pray for childlike exuberance so that you may invite others to play along side you in heaven's mansion.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20).
In awe of Jesus,
Pastor Rick
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